Compare what the woman below says about her cells with this Seth quote:

''Your particular society has set up such an artificial division between intuitional and intellectual knowledge that only the intellectually apparent is given credence. With all of their dire faults and distortions, religions have at least kept alive the idea of unseen, valid worlds, and given some affirmation to concepts that are literally known by the cells.''

--Seth, Sess 691

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Peoplefairly uniformly report encountering elfin like beings who
sometimes seemed to have been awaiting perception by the human perceiver
and seem to be glad when perceived.

"Oneof our volunteers likes to say 'You can still be an atheist until
0.4 (mg/kg of DMT).’"

If world leaders would consent to a dose, maybe wars would diminish??

DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the
Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences by Rick Strassman MD


'Therewas a movement of color. The colors were words. I heard what the
colors were saying to me. I was trying to look out, but they were saying,
"Go in." I was looking for God outside. They said, "God is in every cell
of your body. "And I was feeling it, totally open to it, and l kept
opening to it more, and I just took it in. The colors kept telling me
things, but they were telling me things so I not only heard what I was
seeing, but also felt it in my cells. I say "felt," but it was like no
other "felt," more like a knowing that was happening in my cells. That
God is in everything and that we are all connected, and that God dances
in every cell of life, and that every cell of life dances in God....'

'...He cleared his throat and said, I met myself as the Creator.'

'"Creator of. . ."

'The Creator of all. I've had that realization before, but ...'

As an endogenous, or naturally-produced, human psychedelic, I believed it
might mediate spontaneous psychedelic experiences such as near-death and
mystical states. I also considered the pineal gland a likely source of
this endogenous DMT; as such, the pineal might be a "spirit gland."

I was drawn to DMT because of its presence in all of our bodies. Perhaps
excessive DMT production, coming from the mysterious pineal gland, was
involved in naturally occurring "psychedelic" states. These might include
birth, death and near-death, psychosis, and mystical experiences. Only
later, while the study was well under way, did I also begin considering
DMT's role in the "alien abduction" experience.


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