Seth on Jane and Rob's relationship

"There are invaluable benefits that you [Jane and Rob] each have that 
invisible to you. You take them so for granted that you do not realize
how extraordinary they are in comparison to other people's experience.

"Your basic trust and loyalty to one another for example. Many spend a
lifetime searching for that recognition with another human being, or
achieve it but briefly. You are blind to this, yet others are quite
aware you have it. Besides, you each have deep interests and drives 
have always united you..."

--Seth, Personal Sess of 6\24/73

''Now: you went beyond your family's beliefs individually, searching for 
yourselves and trying various roads. You accomplished the quite difficult
feat, in certain terms, of finding each other, so that you each had a
mate who would aid you in your pursuits--and you tried as best you knew
encourage each other. You were still plagued by remnants of
self-disapproval and
self-condemnation, however, yet the spontaneous self in each of you
managed to push here and there and blaze forth whenever you gave it a
chance, with some quite
outstanding results....''

--Seth, DELETED SESSION 1\9/78

"The same applies to Ruburt. Your relationship is used as a model by others, people who have found in their adulthood no way as yet to relate to their mate in a meaningful manner—(humorously:) regardless of how many times they do it a month."

—Seth, TPS3 Deleted Session January 28, 1974


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