Seth: Human overpopulation

Class member: "What about planned parenthood? The use of contraception to deliberately prohibit a new life?"
It is not one of my problems.
Class member: "You are blessed, Seth. What about us who have the problem. Deliberately not allowing a life to begin?"
Then you are doing your physical life a service.
Class member: "A service?"
A service. Now this is too complicated to handle in an evening. However, since I have nowhere made any statement on such a weighty problem, I shall here do so for the statements are needed regardless of humor. Simply on a physical level the animals have sometimes more sense than you do. They listen to the inner voice, and they do not overproduce. They set up safeguards that are automatic and instinctive. Any true evolution of your species as such is dependent on evolution of consciousness and spirituality. If your world is overpopulated, you can reduce yourselves to a state of consciousness that existed, in your terms, eons ago from which you would then again have to learn to emerge. Only certain persons are tempted to return when the world is overpopulated. They are not stable. They are persons who returned too soon. They are then already erratic.
Now this situation did not simply arise. You brought it upon yourselves to teach yourselves a lesson. You brought it upon yourselves to bring yourselves to a new step of spiritual and psychic evolution. You had to realize that a certain amount of spirituality was necessary if the inner psychic self would grow. You brought it upon yourselves so you would realize that you were blessed with a planet upon which your species could grow. You brought it upon yourselves so that you could realize despite all your stories (shouts really loud) that you have not been given domination.
You are not to dominate the planet. You are not to dominate the species upon the planet. You are not to use the earth for your own purposes. You were not set in domination over the animals. You are to cooperate with all life and all life is part of All That Is and every animal has consciousness and you will realize this or you will destroy your planet."
"The Early Class Sessions", Book 2, Session 5/5/1970. - by Jane Roberts (C) L. Davies Butts


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