Swanson: Bernie was his compromise

...Lesser evilists do think non-lesser evilists are evil. They think they’re simply delicate souls who can’t touch dirt or negotiate or compromise. Bernie Sanders *was* my compromise. Bernie Sanders just backed a corporate bailout. Bernie Sanders has voted for numerous wars. Bernie Sanders thinks the F-35 is a humanitarian jobs program. The question is not whether to compromise. It’s whether to bow face-down in the mud, and whether doing so is strategically smart.
Well, what should you do?
You should get active as an independent policy-based activist engaged in collective self-governance. You should make every possible use of local and state elections. You should move House candidates to commit now to a January 2021 impeachment of Trump for legitimate, non-Russiagating, indisputable charges from among the dozens that have long been ignored or new ones such as negligent killing through coronavirus.


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