Seth on use of a fireplace


"An open fire elicits certain responses from the cells that, for instance, a furnace does not. The effect of the light plus the warmth on the skin is extremely healing. People sit by a fireplace in wintertime because it is unconsciously recognized that recuperative and therapeutic results occur. Simply put, the cells respond to firelight in somewhat the same manner that flowers do to sunlight. The stimulation is much more than skin deep, however, and an open fire is cleansing. It even helps clear the blood.
"Cavemen recognized this. I am not suggesting that you use your fireplace instead of the furnace. I am saying that in wintertime there are definite health-value effects to be felt when you sit in front of an open fire. Two evenings a week would be quite effective."
—Seth, UR2, Section 6: Session 739, February 24, 1975


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