Seth: The mind is distributed throughout the entire physical body

 “Scientists realize that the atmosphere of the earth has a distorting effect upon their instruments. What they do not understand is that their instruments themselves are bound to be distortive.

“Any material instrument will have built-in distortive effects. The one instrument which is more important than any other is the mind (not the brain) . . . the meeting place of the inner and outer senses.
“The mind is distributed throughout the entire physical body and builds up about it the physical camouflage necessary for existence on the physical level. The mind receives data from the inner senses and forms the necessary camouflage.
“The brain deals exclusively with camouflage patterns, while the mind deals with basic principles inherent on all planes. The brain is, itself, part of the camouflage pattern and can be interpreted and probed by physical instruments. The mind cannot.
“The mind is the connective. It is here that the secrets of the universe will be discovered, and the mind itself is the tool of discovery.
“You might say that the brain is the mind in camouflage.”
Seth, Dreams, and Projections of Consciousness, Chapter 7


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