And then there's Lennon's "apology" to Carole King (from her autobio)

Ca. 1965, Carole King, then famous for being the music half of Goffin-King (G was her husb; he wrote the lyrics to their songs incl "You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman" and "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?"), takes advantage of the chance to meet the Beatles at the hotel they are at.

Something of a party, she first meets Ringo, who says something nice, then quiet Geo, likewise, then Paul, likewise, he even adding mentions of some of her stuff*, then comes across John who is being ministered to, as it were, by several groupies and he says something pretty rude to her which she cannot even recall.
So, now it's about 11 years later, 1976, she finds she must use the rest room during the film Taxi Driver where she encounters Yoko who invites her to their place, the catch is they will leave the film before the end as they do, I guess, to avoid fans.
At their place, she asks John if he recalls what he said to her in 1965 and he says to remind him and she does and he says he was intimidated by the work of Goffin-King (before fame, Lennon and McCartney wanted to be the Goffin-King of England) and went into the rude mode because he couldn't think of anything else to say that wouldn't come off as stupid -- to him anyway.
*in each case, she thought they seemed to get a signal from someone in the Beatles employ, where they then excuse themselves and walk away -- I suppose so they wouldn't get buttonholed by any one person at the party for an undue length of time.


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