JFK and the Unspeakable by James W. Douglass

JFK and the Unspeakable is pretty eye-opening. There were two Oswalds, even resembling one another. Two arrests at that theater after the assassination. One arrestee led out the front, the other thru the back. The concessions guy saw both arrests and the look-alike aspect. The book reports that the Soviets tracked Oswald after his return from there to the US and saw he was being set up as a patsy with the aim that the Soviets would ultimately get the blame for the assassination, and hired a double agent to dissuade Oswald and kill him if he wouldn't cease. The agent said Oswald was evasive, but the agent did not kill him putting the agent in trouble with the Soviets. When Jane Roberts' Seth said Oswald was a psychopath, it apparently was the other Oswald because the Ruby-killed Oswald was actually not seen as psychopathic such as when he was truant from school around age fourteen and was tested after they caught him, and a Marine roommate who said Oswald was his best roommate, etc. Oswald told his wife and friends that he admired JFK. When Seth said the conspiracy re the crucifixion was difficult for even him to unravel, I feel the same must be said re JFK's assassination. More than one witness to the Warren Commission said that what was published by the commission was not what they testified. And many people only came forward years after the assassination telling stories at odds with what the Warren Commission would have us believe.


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