Seth: the best way to solve a problem

 Seth: I have said this before: the best way to solve a problem is to concentrate upon various solutions vigorously -- and then to turn your minds to other subjects, divert yourselves while allowing the creative power some freedom. An overintentness, PROLONGED, is not of benefit.

The entire idea of the magical approach is of itself sustaining.
It should remind you of the true effortlessness that is in a fashion responsible for your very existence. When you become overly concerned or worried in any area, remember that you are thinking those thoughts while the process of thinking is utterly effortless. That realization alone can further remind you that the conscious mind does not have to have ALL the information required. It only needs to have the faith that means are AVAILABLE - EVEN if those means are beyond its own scope of activity.

PS6, Sess. 934 (Deleted Portion), August 10, 1981


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