Seth: "...exaggerations of maleness or femaleness that many heterosexuals have clamped upon in their own natures..."


"Because of your exaggerated focus, you therefore become relatively blind to other aspects of “sexuality.” First of all, sexuality per se does not necessarily lead to intercourse. It can lead to acts that do not produce children. What you think of as lesbian or homosexual activity is quite natural sexual expression, biologically and psychologically. In more “ideal” environments such activity would flourish to some extent, particularly before and after prime reproductive years.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Lesbianism and homosexuality, as they are currently experienced, also represent exaggerated versions of natural inclinations, even as your experienced version of heterosexuality is exaggerated."

—Seth, The Nature of the Psyche, Session 768, March 22, 1976

"Many quite fine nonsexual relationships are denied, because of the connotations placed upon lesbianism or homosexuality. Many heterosexual relationships are also denied to persons labeled as not being heterosexual, by themselves or society. People so labeled often feel propelled out of sheer confusion to express their love only through sexual acts. They feel forced to imitate what they think the natural male or female is like, and on occasion end up with ludicrous caricatures. These caricatures infuriate those so imitated — because they carry such hints of truth, and point out so cleverly the exaggerations of maleness or femaleness that many heterosexuals have clamped upon in their own natures."

—Seth, The Nature of the Psyche, Session 771, April 14, 1976


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