Seth: Confidence problem, Jane dream, dream of visiting Pres. Carter

 SESSION 793 14. FEBRUARY 1977



[Part not included in The Nature of Psyche]

Fear and lack of confidence in oneself


Give us a moment…


Our friend [someone who wrote to us] is experiencing, in his own way, a dilemma that many feel as they grow up -- the result of fear and lack of confidence in one's own self.

This young man has that feeling. that he almost sinks or symbolically drowns in a world in which he feels he has no real power. He is approaching the threshold at which he must act, and he is afraid to act, to take the leap. He is afraid of drowning and therefore the liquid is withheld. The exercises in Personal Reality will definitely help him, because he needs to be sure of his abilities. He will not be carried away by the currents of life.

He was already afraid of the physical diagnosis. In a way, the physical problem itself is frightening, but also reassuring, because now the fear is no longer formless but concrete -- it is there so that he can face it, so that he can challenge it.

Before that, he didn't know from which direction the danger could come, and that was even more frightening. The problem lies in the expectation of danger. His image of men also plays a role here, because he believes that a man should be able to overcome any difficulty^ 'I He has the feeling that difficulties should be a kind of initiation to becoming a man.

His vitality and youth can easily save him as soon as he understands that adulthood itself is not threatening. By adulthood I mean the responsibilities that come with it.

There seem to be religious connections, such as baptism


8 The nature of personal reality, Seth-Verlag, 2018.


Water, symbolically speaking, as if trying to test his right to salvation. He has a right to exist. He doesn't have to prove himself. He is quite capable of mastering his challenges. He must now begin to make sure of these beliefs.

But he also has to examine his previous beliefs. Once he has mastered the situation, he will have a clearer idea of how he brought it about. I will send him energy. He must begin to create the reality he liked and not the reality he feared.

(On February 16, 1977, we sent the young man a copy of Seth's advice.)


SESSION 796 7. MARCH 1977



[Part not included in The Nature of Psyche]


The dissolution of fears through emotional insight;

emotional equations


(The first part of this session arose from a dream Jane had last night and she managed to interpret it today. The dream is very meaningful to her and a copy of it is included in this session. She can do both Seth's book The Nature of Psyche, although he told us the session was not a dictation. Some of the material also comes from the attached copy of the report I wrote after hearing Jane's interpretation of the dream.

We did not expect that today's meeting would deal with this topic.)

Good evening.

(“Good evening, Seth.”)

This is not a dictation. I would like to answer some of your questions and provide further information.

For example, Ruburt's dream. Recently there have been many more internal physical changes than are apparent and general realignments and adjustments. He often felt like he was on the threshold of change, but then held back and was obviously not in particularly good physical shape in the meantime.

Some of the reasons have already been given in recent material. The other psychological reason came to light in the dream -- this means that Ruburt experienced the hidden fears emotionally and resolved them through his interpretation.

Such an emotional reality cannot be explained logically or mathematically, but these specific new insights and experiences were necessary to trigger the further physical changes required. In this case, conscious recognition was required. In other cases, the knowledge does not have to become conscious. Often it is not enough -- actually rarely -- that deep emotional fears are simply recognized once or twice. You have to meet them more or less directly, as was the case with Ruburt this evening (after dinner). Otherwise, old habits will allow such fears to be buried again.

The dream therefore enabled a conscious emotional recognition of fear. But more than that -- he provided the resolution of that fear or provided the solution to a deep emotional equation. In this case it was the emotional realization that life is not given by the mother, but through the mother - through LIFE (in capital letters) itself or through All That Is, and indeed “without any conditions ".

Ruburt had not previously consciously and emotionally grasped the second part of the dream, the solution. He knew the solution on an intellectual level, but it only became part of the emotional equation when the dream brought the two parts together. This is actually triggering important changes.


SESSION 797 14. MARCH 1977



[Part not included in The Nature of Psyche]


Jane and Rob's probable visit to President Carter


(“I was just going to ask you about the dream I had last night in which Jane and I met President Carter.”)

In short, it is a probability. You have been aware of them since your friend's letter. However, you don't know whether you would be happy about it or not, and that's why you have these feelings about the misplaced address. Would you be happy if you were asked to express your views to your government or not?

That is the question that the dream should raise, because the probability certainly exists.


Have a nice evening -- and reconsider your dream decision.

(Jn Alright, Seth. Thank you. Cute night. “11:22 p.m.

I planned to write my version of the dream about President Carter, so this will be the first step. A month or so ago, Jane received a letter from a former student [ASW class], Rich Cohen, who told us about his work in the new administration and that he knew a counselor who was interested in psychic matters and was on the immediate staff by President Carter. Rich asked Jane if she wanted to spend an evening with President Carter; The letter is in our files. We hardly took his question seriously.

I remembered Seth's probabilistic explanation of the dream and Rich's letter. The dream itself was quite simple, in color as usual. Jane, I, the President and one other person sit at a polished, elegant, library-like table. There was a telephone on it, nothing else. Jane, I and the President had discussed various topics.


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