I Was a 1970s CIA Brat

I Was a 1970s CIA Brat

At the height of the Cold War, my father was a station chief for the Central Intelligence Agency. It was a front-row seat for the last gasp of the WASP spy.

I was born in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1960. My father was the CIA station chief there. I grew up in the 1970s, at the twilight of the Cold War in Washington, DC, living in a family of secrets. My parents were social people — WASPs at ease among the postwar elite. My life was house parties, […]


From the print edition:

He wrote that he was told at around 8 or 9 years of age that what his father did for a living was secret and that that bit of information was itself a secret.

"Both my parents were liberal Democrats."

At some point, he opens a brief or suit case of his father's and finds it filled with cash.

He mentions the murder of Mary Meyer, and ties it to her making waves about the Warren Report.

He mentions "Angleton was rumored to be involved in the Kennedy assassination."

"My father, Angleton, and other CIA cronies drank oceans. I wondered how much one had to drink for it to be a problem for them."*

Rex Harrison was invited to Reagan's White House and said that 'all a lecherous RR wanted to know was "who was fucking whom."'

*I think I also read that a number of CIA upper-level people were heavy drinkers in:

Scorpions Dance: The President the Spymaster & Watergate




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