Reality check: The Harris Honeymoon is OVER

Reality check: The Harris Honeymoon is OVER

  • Jill Stein
    To:Mark M Giese
    Fri, Aug 30 2024 at 3:37 PM
    Jill Stein for President

    Mark M,

    This week Kamala Harris sat down for her first longform interview since entering the race for president – and it’s safe to say that she met our expectations.

    After that dark, draconian, militaristic speech at the DNC, in which Harris promised a militant border crackdown, endless weapons for Israel, and unlimited expansion of the American war machine, we expected nothing less than for her to double down.

    A black and white photo composition of
participants at the DNC on the left holding signs that say “Freedom”
and people in Gaza clamoring for food on the right, with Kamala Harris
seen from behind, appearing to speak to them.

    Since Biden dropped out of the race and Harris became the nominee, our campaign has been targeted by an increasingly vitriolic liberal elite condemning our movement for people, planet, and peace.

    They’ve called me every name under the sun, and attacked supporters like you – for the simple reason that we weren’t buying it.

    The groundswell of “hope and change and joy” that surrounded Harris from the moment she entered the race came crashing down with a hard reality check last week at the DNC, confirmed in her responses to CNN’s Dana Bash this week.

    Harris has now fully revealed herself as an unabashed, militant right-winger who will carry on the proud Democratic tradition of catering to her corporate benefactors at the expense of our planet and everyone on it.

    They talk about being the party of freedom – but we know that none of us are free until ALL of us are free.

    They talk about being the party of joy – but there is no joy in genocide.

    We don’t want “the most lethal fighting force” in the world. We want housing and healthcare and opportunities for ALL.

    We want a livable planet and a sustainable future, a SERIOUS and transformative plan to end our dependence on fossil fuels – not a pledge to continue fracking.

    For the last few weeks we’ve been subjected to a mass propaganda campaign, but that’s over. She’s now told us in no uncertain terms who she is and how she will rule as president.

    Following the catastrophic failure of the Democratic party to engage the uncommitted movement in good faith, and with the election fast approaching, millions of voters are seriously examining their options.

    They need to hear from the ONLY campaign that shares their values with a path to the White House – ours – and we need your help to reach them. Can you give $25, $50, $100 or more today?


    Challenging empire begins at home. The leaders we elect set the tone for the terms on which we engage with the rest of the world. The casual brutality we see in Gaza today is being carried out by the same Israeli Occupation Forces that train many of our own civilian police officers. They won’t hesitate to use the same tactics against us – indeed, they already have.

    The choice we have before us in November is a simple one. There are two candidates representing war and Wall Street, and only one representing the people.

    We will deliver our mandate at the ballot box this November. Will you join us?

    In solidarity and gratitude,



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