Indigenous rights are human rights

Indigenous rights are human rights
Jill Stein
To:Mark M Giese
Mon, Oct 14 2024 at 4:54 PM
Jill Stein for President

Mark M,

As we mark Indigenous Peoples Day, it’s important that we tell the truth about our past, our present, and our path forward.

And the truth is that from the moment the first European boats touched these shores, to the continued assault on tribal sovereignty today, there has never been a day in this nation’s history that wasn’t steeped in the blood and suffering of Indigenous peoples.

The truth is that America became the richest and most powerful nation on Earth by stealing land, stealing natural resources, stealing labor – and savagely murdering anyone who got in the way of that pursuit.

The truth is that our fight to stop climate change is inextricably linked with the fight for Indigenous justice – and no one who continues to trample on the sovereign rights of Native peoples can be trusted to take the climate emergency seriously.

We know all about the way Donald Trump aggressively auctioned off drilling permits for public lands and sacred tribal grounds without consulting the impacted tribes.

But little is said about Biden continuing many of those same policies – bragging about issuing more drilling permits than any other administration in history and handing out mining contracts on Native land without consulting tribal leaders.

A graphic featuring a headline from Politico
dated Jan 11, 2024 which reads: “Tribes say they’re cut out as Biden
doles out mining dollars” set against a black and white photo of
tribal lands in Idaho.

And while Harris promised, in her first weeks of campaigning, that she will “always honor tribal sovereignty and respect tribal self-determination,” her record as California’s attorney general screams a different story.

Harris repeatedly opposed recognition of tribal lands, supported regulations that harmed tribal casinos and economic self-determination, and oversaw the largest carceral system in the United States where Indigenous Americans are disproportionately imprisoned.

With this track record, and her service in the Biden administration, Native American voters have every reason to be skeptical – and they are.

A graphic featuring a headline from Grist
dated Oct 7, 2024 which reads: “Indigenous voters worry a Harris
presidency means endangering sacred lands” set against a black and
white photo of Kamala Harris emerging through an arena entrance at a
recent rally, surrounded by a cheering crowd waving signs.

Even Tim Walz, the midwestern nice guy governor whose “progressive record” is meant to persuade voters that he will be a check against Harris’ worst instincts, has a record of trampling on Indigenous rights.

Tribal leaders in Minnesota called on Walz to halt the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline, outlining the project’s massive climate impact and the incursion on their sacred lands. As opposition grew, Walz eventually called in the Minnesota National Guard to squash the nonviolent protests and guarantee the pipeline completed construction.

A graphic featuring a headline from Salon
dated Aug, 2024 which reads: “Tim Walz’s climate record? It’s
complicated by coziness with fossil fuel companies, experts say” set
against a black and white photo of Indigenous peoples protesting in
front of the Minnesota state capitol building.

None of these candidates has a record that Indigenous voters can trust to protect their rights and fight for our collective survival. But our campaign does.

We have 22 days until Election Day to make our voices heard at the ballot box. Can you help me get this message out to voters who are still undecided today?


Our platform on Indigenous justice is a statement of our values, a commitment to healing and restoration, and a clear path forward to a sustainable and livable future.

All of it is rooted in decades of environmental and climate activism among myself, my team, and the experts and advocates we engaged to develop each of these policies.

A collage of 4 photos of Jill Stein engaging
in climate activism. From left to right, top to bottom: 1) Jill speaks
into a bullhorn at an environmental protest more than 10 years ago. 2)
Jill stands with tribal leaders on the ground at Standing Rock,
protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline. 3) Jill stands with Indigenous
women leaders in an undated photo. 4) Jill holds a can of spray paint
as she prepares to vandalize a bulldozer at Standing Rock.

My administration will honor all existing treaties with Indigenous nations and ensure free, prior, and informed consent for any and all activity on tribal sovereign land. This will effectively end unfettered drilling and strip mining of sacred tribal lands that is contributing to the climate emergency.

We will establish a federal Land Back Commission and create a task force of Tribal nations’ leaders to assess their needs.

We will support a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and a reparations plan to address Indigenous people’s economic dispossession.

My administration will increase appointments of Indigenous voices throughout our federal government.

...and much more.

You can read and share our full Indigenous rights platform from our website.

Please forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to join you in supporting our campaign.

My record on this is clear and consistent. This is not a token holiday. This is not a message campaign.

The fight for Indigenous justice is the fight for our soul and our collective survival.

There are still millions of people who are disengaged and unwilling to vote for Trump OR Harris, knowing that neither represents their priorities. We can inspire them to vote Green, but we need your help to reach them and time is running short.

In solidarity and gratitude,





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