Trump didn’t drain the swamp -- he filled it


Trump didn’t drain the swamp - he filled it
Jill Stein
To:Mark M Giese
Thu, Oct 31 at 7:29 PM
Jill Stein for President

Mark M,

In 2016 Donald Trump duped millions of voters into believing he would go to Washington and drive out corruption.

“Draining the swamp,” he called it.

In that election Trump positioned himself as the anti-establishment candidate. And up against Hillary Clinton, to the casual voter it was a somewhat convincing argument.

But the moment he took office, Trump filled his cabinet and every federal agency with cronies, crooks, lackeys, and lobbyists – to the tune of HUNDREDS of key positions according to a 2018 ProPublica analysis.

The result was the mass auctioning off of public parks and sacred native land for drilling, mining, and exploitation; a scam tax bill that shuffled BILLIONS in wealth directly to Trump’s own pockets and those of his elite buddies; empty promises on healthcare; foreign policy moves that directly undermined global peace and security (and directly profited Donald Trump); and a criminally mismanaged public health crisis that led to more than a MILLION American deaths.

In 2016 Trump promised that he had a healthcare plan that was “going to cover everybody.” That was a lie. 

Donald Trump never had a plan for universal healthcare any more than the Democrats have. Even in last month’s debate he admitted he only had “concepts of a plan” – and one of those “concepts” includes putting known conspiracy theorist RFK Jr. in charge of public health (as a medical doctor, I can assure you that RFK Jr. is not an authority on public health).

If Donald Trump or Kamala Harris want to see what a real healthcare plan looks like, they’ll find lots of good ideas in ours.

And if YOU want a president with an actual, detailed plan for people, planet, and peace, then donate to our movement now for the final push. Every dollar you give helps us reach one more voter on the fence.


It’s important that we don’t let any of our allies fall prey to Trump’s sloppy, self-serving lies. I’ve called out his corruption and incompetence for years.

I will keep doing so until this public menace is driven out of power for good.

 An animated GIF showing an overlapping series
of tweets from Jill Stein criticizing Donald Trump for swamp-like
behavior and corruption.

The truth is that Donald Trump DOES have a plan – one that will enrich himself and exploit everyone else.

Donald Trump was born into the establishment. He has skated through life on the privileges of the establishment. It comes as no surprise then, that as president Donald Trump ruled as a firm fixture of the establishment.

He is a product of the society we built, and it won’t change until we build a NEW society rooted in justice, peace, and human thriving.

That’s what this campaign is about. That is the vision we must deliver on November 5th.

In solidarity and gratitude,



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